Friday, April 20, 2012

Senior Citizens

The Senior Citizens characterized as a period of integrity and Despair, during which a person focuses on reflecting back on their life. Those who are unsuccessful during this phase will feel that their life has been wasted and will experience many regrets. The individual will be left with feelings of bitterness and despair. Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity. Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a general feeling of satisfaction.

Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience likes a viewers, readers or listeners to continue or take some new action. Most commonly the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering although political and ideological advertising is also common. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial and many elderly participating in them. Is important that Senior Citizens participate and take them in account in different commercials because it makes feel good and part of the population.

Many people think that seniors aren't interested in anything other than prescription medications or that they don't have the money to spend because they live on fixed incomes. As with any niche group, we need to know how to start campaign marketing to seniors. We need to know what they want and what types of advertising is most effective with them. The advertising by different age group can increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and result increased sales and profit.

The elderly have different product needs and reference points than younger generations. The goal when advertising the elderly is to reach them with age appropriate references without being offensive, intensive or patronizing. The Senior Citizens liked ads that showed older people as being clever, vibrant and having a sense of humor. Is important to know that everybody will become elderly in our life and we must care for adults. When elderly involved in different advertisement they feel good and not discriminated. 

Why volunteering worth it?

In the world there are many people working together to help the planet in different organizations. The people who make up in different organizations are a diverse and committed bunch. These volunteers, activists and staff span the globe, cover the age spectrum and defy simple categorization which they all have in common one big aim  a green and peaceful future for all. These organizations has creative local actions for the planet they positively affect their communities, their countries and the all world. Many work with local governments, communities and partner organizations in sharing our science based and collaborative methods to ensure each region’s needs for people and for nature is best met.

Many volunteer organizations whose mission is protect and restore species and their habitats and strengthen local community’s ability to conserve the natural resources they depend upon. Transform markets and policies to reduce the impact of the production and consumption of commodities. Ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decisions made by individuals, communities, governments and businesses. Mobilize hundreds of millions of people to support conservation. It is important for people to collaborate with these organizations and participate in order to achieve a better future for the world and others.

In different areas of volunteering can be found Childcare and Orphanages is at the childcare and orphanage placements volunteers assist the children with basic hygiene education, homework, organising games and activities, organising workshops and provide the children with love and attention. Health care for example working with elderly will work in the nursing homes with the aim of creating a compassionate and friendly atmosphere for the vulnerable elderly population. Volunteers will provide one-on-one attention, basic healthcare, assist with meal and medicine distribution and organising recreational activities. Teaching different languages will be assisting teachers in educating local students in different languages. Animal cares and animal rights volunteers assist in the protection of domestic animals such as cats and dogs who do not enjoy the family status as their counterparts in the West. These animals are often neglected and abandoned, and volunteers will provide medical treatment, recreational activity and human contact for the animals

Volunteering doesn’t necessarily mean working without pay but works on its own will without outside imposition. They are called volunteers to men who enlist of their own accord without being obliged by law or that are offered to meet any dangerous or difficult. You must have the time to help people in different areas of volunteering. It’s important to know that many help to give someone a smile or help save species and many other things without asking anything in return. Volunteer help to be aware of the needs of many people who don’t have the resources to be live well.

Volunteering is living the pure life. It is a way of life that is all encompassing and affects a person in every aspect. If you participate in volunteer you can learned about the cultures of world, and developed lifelong friendships. Working as a volunteer allows you to discover more about yourself. As you develop your strengths and perhaps discover new talents and skills, your self-confidence and ability to work and live independently will increase, and volunteers often come out of their experience with a better idea of whom they are and where they want to go in life.


Currently, immigration is a common situation in different parts of the world. It usually happens in countries with low socioeconomic status and people are seeking a better place to live. The main reasons why people decide to leave their homes of origin are social, cultural and demographic interaction with host communities. Immigrations ignorant want to avoid to get the impact on poverty rates and public social services a level of higher education.  In the country of origin, immigrants tend to have some legal problems usually created by the respective government trying to prevent the departure of emigrants.

Most immigrants are usually adults young age looking for a better future elsewhere. It is important to know that out of a country or place to settle elsewhere has never been easy for groups or individuals, but instead it has always presented many obstacles. Not only in the country of entry but also in the country of origin prior to departure. Immigration is good for the country's economic growth as immigrants provide labor for a type of hard work done by local workers. The immigrant labor becomes a condition of economic growth increasingly necessary for the progressive aging of the population.

Migration presents different problems such as difficulty in obtaining legal identity documents or legal work permits. It also presents the xenophobia or the rejection. Present socioeconomic disadvantage compared to residents of that place, less educated, less skilled occupations, greater poverty, lower social security, concentration in a few communities, poor housing and services. The demographic component is also important for example in the case of some European countries that are native population decreased by aging and receive the same legal or illegal immigrants to fill thousands of job vacancies.

The difficulty to enter and work legally will result in an increase in illegal immigration. In the future, it is very likely that migration flows are maintained and at times be accelerated with high proportion of illegal immigrants thus increasing social problems for recipient countries. It is likely that these flows will increase in coming years. Do not forget that the drivers and attraction will continue to flow in migratory movements. But neither should forget that the most likely destination countries will increasingly filter the granting of residence permits and work to prospective immigrants because they require.


There are many types of eating habits around the world. It’s important to understand what our eating habits are to avoid health problems. Meals in our lives are very important because they acquire nutrition and healthy eating is important for good health.  Food includes a set of voluntary and conscious acts that are aimed at choice, preparation, and ingestion of food. We serve three meals a day and consume their daily six nutrients to build and maintain healthy bodily functions that are what the body needs.

There are many types of foods including fast foods, but they are the worst for our health. Most people often only eat these foods and that's where the different diseases. Fast foods are made with ingredients formulated to achieve a certain flavor or consistency and to preserve freshness. This requires a high degree of food engineering, the use of additives and processing techniques alter substantially this food and reduce its nutritional value. This makes the famous junk food are bad for our body.

Fast food contains high levels of fat, salt, spices or sugars that stimulate the appetite and thirst. This has a strong commercial interest for restaurants that provide that type of food for every day consumption. Usually most young people are those who consume these products yet they will suffer diseases related to blood, obesity, diabetes and cholesterol. The eating habits we have acquired over time have become a habit that endangers health. Some junk foods most consumed are hamburgers, pizza, potatoes fried, fried chicken, and soft drinks, among others.

Usually fast foods taste good, are cheap, and can be eaten in minutes. Fast food causes an addiction so strong that it can only be compared to addiction to snuff or drugs because people consume every day chelates three times a day. Digestion in general becomes heavier and the first problems may cause bad digestion and gas that eventually degenerate into gastritis or cancer.

It would be interesting to all people, especially those with young children to be aware of the irreversible consequences produced by this way of eating. Sometimes, everyday life prevents us to pause a moment and reflect on events that seriously undermine our health. 
But, it's worth it making an effort to change those customs contrary to our well being. Eating these foods daily can seriously affect our health, but if we reduce it gradually to once a week or once a month and eat more fruits, vegetables and natural water, we have better health and care for our lives.